I’ve struggled to find a way to put down in words the way I feel about the electoral college’s blatant disrespect of the people’s presidential choice just weeks ago. And simply what it has allowed people to now feel comfortable doing.

It’s as if somehow the government’s downright display of oligarchy has emboldened the weakest and most overcome with fear among us to show their monstrous heads.

They are now proud to call themselves monsters. As if they’ve been holding it in for eight years and finally have permission to exhale. Fire. Flames, as a beast breathing clouds of suffocating black smoke.

No longer caring about humanity.

It’s actually sickening.

So the light inside me says that it’s time to shine even brighter now. It may look dark out there, and scary, and the monsters are growing fiercer by the day. But you’ve had the power in you all along. We all do. All of us are magic.

In the words of Cinderella’s dying mother in the recent Walt Disney live action version of the fairy tale, “Have courage and be kind.”

Let’s all of us please, have courage and most of all be kind to one another.  

photo credit: artbyjoriepage